
Been a few months with nothing, but figured I'd post something while I'm on here.
          	I haven't totally abandoned Wattpad or anything, nor have I stopped working on my characters and stories, I've just been working on lots more at once because I keep adding new projects to the pile. Even when I tell myself I'm going to finish something, I end up getting fixated on something else and totally get off course. ^^' Aside from the inherently writing related distractions and setbacks, I've also had quite a lot going on in real life that has cut into the time I'd usually use to write. I won't get into it all in this post since a lot of it is rather personal to me, but thankfully things are starting to calm down some.
          	In better news though, I have been posting more frequently off Wattpad! I revived my old, dead Tumblr account and have been using it to post more about my characters. I've been posting both characters who have finished and posted bios and characters whose bios are still in progress, so it's like a nice mix of expanding a little more on the characters everyone already knows and giving sneak peeks into those who haven't been seen outside of my inner circle yet! <3
          	Anyways, that's all I've got. There will eventually be some more updates here, but it'll take some time. :')


Been a few months with nothing, but figured I'd post something while I'm on here.
          I haven't totally abandoned Wattpad or anything, nor have I stopped working on my characters and stories, I've just been working on lots more at once because I keep adding new projects to the pile. Even when I tell myself I'm going to finish something, I end up getting fixated on something else and totally get off course. ^^' Aside from the inherently writing related distractions and setbacks, I've also had quite a lot going on in real life that has cut into the time I'd usually use to write. I won't get into it all in this post since a lot of it is rather personal to me, but thankfully things are starting to calm down some.
          In better news though, I have been posting more frequently off Wattpad! I revived my old, dead Tumblr account and have been using it to post more about my characters. I've been posting both characters who have finished and posted bios and characters whose bios are still in progress, so it's like a nice mix of expanding a little more on the characters everyone already knows and giving sneak peeks into those who haven't been seen outside of my inner circle yet! <3
          Anyways, that's all I've got. There will eventually be some more updates here, but it'll take some time. :')


So, scratch my last post; at least partially. I've got two hyperfixations now. :')
          That said, I'm now working on a brand-new OC and the pre-existing one I mentioned already. The pre-existing one will still be posted first solely on the merit that she's already nearly completed, but this new character will probably come shortly after at this rate.


My keyboard is officially fixed! I'll probably have some things posted in a week or so. I would post today if I could, but I'm unfortunately pretty busy with real-world things for the next couple of days, so I won't have much time for writing and posting.
          Regardless, I'm finally back from my forced hiatus! <3


I want to put an update out here for anyone who's wondering about my writing/where I've been.
          I'll start with the bad news. My keyboard still has not been fixed and has been getting worse. I have two nonfunctional keys and another that looks to be going out. I wish I could've had this fixed weeks ago, but I, unfortunately, am financially and physically reliant on having someone else take me to get my computer fixed. That said, I still likely won't be in the market for posting anything until I can fix it.
          Now that I have the bad news out of the way, I can confidently say that I have been slowly chipping away at making some more of my unfinished bios more filled out using Google Docs mobile instead of PC, including the one I wanted to get posted before this whole keyboard debacle. If I can muster up the motivation to complete a few, I may be able to post a batch of new OCs when I'm finally back!
          Overall, this situation has been a mess. I'm unsure when it'll get resolved, but thankfully, you guys can look forward to a good chunk of content when this is over!


@xXInkyDoodlesXx God I hope so. Even outside of writing, having a PC that's not functioning right is so frustrating. :')


@Khyira_TW WOOOOOOO! More ocs babbbyyy! Hope your computer gets fixed soon!


Unfortunately going to end up taking a bit longer than planned to get my HSR OC out. I've been having issues with my keyboard for the past few days and now one my my keys is entirely non-functional, so I'm going to have to see if I can get it fixed before I can get back to work.
          I hate to have to delay things yet again, especially since I was just getting back to it, but I have to go this route for now. At the very least until I can get these keyboard issues sorted out.


The good news is that I have some other things off on the side that I can still work on using Google Docs on my phone, so at the very least I can get some writing done. As for what those other things are, everyone'll have to wait and see. ^^


Just going to put this out as a regular update instead of clogging up my admin book.
          I apologize that none of my one-shot content is out yet. I meant to have at least one of the stories done already, but I've honestly not had the proper motivation to work on them. It's been so much easier for me lately to work on OC bios as opposed to full stories. That being said, I may end up getting more OC bios out before I do any stories. This focus shift is part of why I've added so many sections to my OC book, because those are all sections for characters I will be posting eventually.
          In particular, I think I'll likely be getting my Honkai Star Rail OC out soon. Ever since the latest update I've had a ton of motivation to work on her!
          As usual, I'm sincerely sorry that I keep on swapping priorities. I'd rather swap and come out with something better in the end than force myself to write something when I'm not in the mood for it and it turn out subpar.


Just opened an admin book! I decided to do this to avoid having to post in my conversations tab every time I'm working on something new, but also so that I have a dedicated place for extra content outside of my main stories and upcoming one-shot books. The admin book contains sections for general updates (Should I choose to post them), updates on my writing, artwork, and also a section where I may post some unused concepts and ideas, as well as a dedicated QnA chapter!
          I'm honestly very happy to have it up, as it'll open up opportunities for me to share more content without having to worry about where to put it.


Okay, this announcement may come a little out of nowhere and I apologize for that; I have a reason for it though.
          So, for starters, I am deeply sorry for my over-month-long hiatus. I didn't plan for this to happen at all. I just got completely eaten alive by the absolute brainrot I have for Trigun at the moment. I was supposed to have released at least two different stories released by now but I just haven't been working on them like I should have been. However, I say all that to say that I am FINALLY working on my stories again! Hopefully, within the next few days I'll be releasing my first official one-shot book and finally getting to share the Kallen/Trigun-related content I've been working on with you guys! ^^ It's been a long time coming, so I'm gonna make sure that I come to you guys with the best content I can. Although my content is going to all be Trigun for a while, I'm still going to be doing everything I can to make sure it's good content, and I promise that once I can get my brain back onto other things I WILL be working on the first chapter for my Pokemon fanfiction so I can get myself back on schedule. ^^'


wake up lieutenant/lyrics


@Grxmslxy Yeaaaa I'm alive, just brainrotting really really hard qwq
            I swear I'll actually finish and post some of my stuff that I was working on soon- I'll just gaslight myself into doing it /hj


@Khyira_TW I see I seeeeeeeeeee- I was just checkin to see if you were stilll alive lol


@Grxmslxy AAA Hello qwq
            I've literally been meant to be posting stuff for weeks but my Trigun brainrot has absolutely been eating me alive, and some friends I made in a Trigun group got me into Character AIs too just to top it off, so I've been slacking hardcore ;-;