Ok, so I'm back
I'm so sorry for months of no updates. I've been really busy lately +school is giving me stress. (more specifically one particular subject but we don't talk about that)
Um.. yeah, i just wanted to say that ALL works will be on hold until further notice.
I'm so sorry again, and I really do apologise for any inconvenience, but I promise that when i have time on my hands, I'll update *something* as soon as possible, hopefully.
I've also been trying to get motivation by reading some 'advanced'(?) stories, like, better stories? Idk But, like ones that are written by more 'professional' writers, so i can hopefully improve my works and maybe rewrite some of the old ones(which are like one or two years old) which I wrote when I was still my dumb younger self
But yeah, I'm so sorry for everything, hopefully I'll have my schedule cleared up soon and try to update!
(yes I re-announced this, sorry-)