Seriously i've had the best times in reading lots of manga HAHAHAHA its so fun reading about a girl who hides she's a champion pro wrestler and a guy who do aikido WOAH ITS SO MUCH FUN
why haven't update all my works?
I lost my password
broke my laptop
no internet for YEARS
cant retrieve my files
college feels
im dying
responsibility calls duty
but im trying to be back and update so its not over people XD ^O^
omg HAHHAHA i just read something HAHAAH i unpublished that one because i was ask to but its a shame HAHAHA memories though HAHAHAHa
i cant find it anymore huhuhuu
after a long while.... i dont think im continuing some short stories because the other laptop that im working on with is gone............................................... aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh disaster