Fate chapter 24 progress: 284 476 words
Sorry for taking so long but I've been super busy these days.
Actually there's not a lot of writing left but I've been super busy as mentioned.
I'll try to get all this done somewhere in this week.
I can't believe this is my second longest chapter of Fate and also my second longest chapter of all my stories(Mp 4 that's still in my drafts due to what happened is the longest currently at 315 000+ words and not done)
Anyways I just wrote a little.
I try to write a bit each day at least even if I'm being slow.
At least it's something.
Anyways I should've been asleep 10 minutes ago already so I'll go now.
@sound_of_straykids Never say never. I never thought I'd write,teach myself how to do it and definitely not write as much as I've been writing since I started