Username: hotchick304561 (Or its Em.
Story(ies) want edited: The RED door of freedom, Perfect, and Invaded
Chapter (per/in) story: Perfect has 22,(completed) but most of them are still in my notebook, not updated on WP. (but they will be. Plus,if I type them, i can just copy paste! YAY!) The RED door is brand new, so I have currently 13. Like Perfect up there.. Is not completed. Invaded has about 8. and not all of my book is completed, nor put on WP.
Time limit: however long you need! :D
Email or PM? Email! message me, and I will give you my email!
Are you planning to publish your story in the future? Possibly, depends on funds, real life editors, all that junk. I really want The RED door of Freedom to be published.