Ima be completely honest. I’ve stopped caring about anime for the most part. And, the only semi-character laden game I still actively play Genshin. I’ll probably finish up what I’ve got going on, make a couple stories about the media I care about. But beyond that I think my time on here might be nearing its end. If anyone’s got any last minute requests well now’s the time to ask.
I might still upload from time to time, I mean writing is one of the few things I actively enjoy doing that isn’t video games or tv, but instead of months between chapters it’ll probably closer to a year to maybe a couple of years.
It’s been a really interesting 4 years, and if you’ve been around me long enough you could probably spot the changes that happened to me as they went on. I’ve met some good buddies here, and honestly that alone was worth the hours I spent sitting on my shitty laptop writing things that I would eventually delete because they were embarrassing.