Look Yeah, follow me and check out my future books.
I WILL do something in return.

. 0% Rude
█ 10% funny
██ 20% Computer Smart
███ 30% tired
████ 40% Annoying
█████ 50% Tired
██████ 60% smart
███████ 70% Athletic
████████ 80% energetic
█████████ 90% Stubborn
██████████ 100% Crazy

Hello There, My name is Midnight_Luminous. I have sneaked onto Ayaan's ( Kid4Ever ) side.
I have decided to write a biography so you know a bit more about her.

gEnErAl FaCtS....

- Her best friend since diapers ( In real life ) is ME! @Midnight_Luminous XD
- She will be the most cRaZiEsT girl you will ever meet.
- She loves Virtual Games.
- She knows who is real and who's fake -_-
- She is 11 years old. Like me :)
- She isn't really into music.
- She loves funny videos on Youtube.
- Her favourite colour is Yellow
- She comes from South London, Britain. Woolwich
- She goes to Plumstead Manor School ( In Year 7 )
- She HATES One Direction And thinks they're a waste of time ( Her Words. )
- She isn't really in the popular crowd and doesn't follow it.
- She is a bit of fashionista ( if that is even a word )
- Once she's into something, She don't stop ( I admire that )
- She is cockoo ( Don't say I didn't warn you! )
- If she hates you. There is no turning back lol.
- She judges people on first impressions.
- She has two brothers that live in Egypt. ( They are adults )
- She is mixed with Somali and Yeman.
- She is a proud Muslim.

I think that's as much as you need to know.
If you want to know more about her - JUST ASK.
Of course if she doesn't know you, she'll say no :)

Me and her both have something very important to say.....



- Kid4Ever...
  • JoinedSeptember 14, 2013
