Warning: Drama and anxiety that no one needs but I'm saying to get off my mind
So me and my 2 friends. We'll call them alex and tori. I've had a small crush on alex before but she's straight so not gonna happen plus friendzone. Alex's sister, We'll call her Jamie, is a good friend of mine as well. So we're all gonna hang out because tori just got accepted for her new apartment. I'm generally the funny one in the group. I mean that not to say they aren't funny, but that's just all I bring to the table, besides being overweight and pan. Jamie is also gay so she has that card as well. So alex has a crush on, frick it, his names Brendan. Alex invites Brendan because might as well ig. That's 2 people outside their house cause Alex and tori are living together for now between moves. So we all want to go into the military or pieces of law enforcement. Which is chill. But Brendan is funny and an mp (military police) already. So my anxiety being the little biscuit it is, said that I'm out of place and being replaced, cause Brendan is basically funnier than me and beating me to every joke and all. Doesnt help that my quiet arse doesnt speak up either. So eventually we all play cards against humanity cause why not. Usually I total about 7-8 cards by the end. Nope. Brendan had 9 and I had a whole 2.