
*Sprays febreeze all over my stories so people can't smell my fears*


I want people to know that they should never give up on their dreams. Nothing happens over night and everything takes practice, but you will get their if you try. It's all worth it if you make it worth it.
          Maybe you'll never be famous, or maybe you will be famous, but all that matters is that you try your best and have fun while doing it.
          I may not be someone special, and I'm probably just a nobody behind a screen to you, but I want you to know that I believe in you.
          I'm just a teenager that has traits that contradict themselves but I want to encourage you all to do what you can to be happy.
          If you see a rope at the empty space of the bridge; jump for it. If you fall you might just have to swim, but you'll get to where you're going. Just, please don't give up and drown.
          You are important in your own way and somebody needs you. Hold yourself to a higher standard than you treat yourself when you're alone, but be humble as well.
          Who knows, one day someone might come by with a boat and help you to land.


I want to be known as the person that said inappropriate things when someone tried to hit on me.
          Them: You're pretty hot!
          Me: So is hell! Or the sun! Or Hawaii!
          Them: Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?
          Me: No, did it hurt when you fell from Heaven? Because your face is...yikes.
          Them: Are you a dream demon beca-
          Me: Because I give you seriously horrible nightmares that make you want to die? Yeah, that's me.


this message may be offensive
If you unfollow me I unfollow you. You don't just get a free damn follow. Those free follows are for when I want to follow someone that I look up to. I, literally, run through the list of people I'm following and unfollow everyone before I go back to my followers list and follow everyone back just to get rid of the people that follow and unfollow me. I do it, like, twice a fucking day and it's bs because that's 200+ accounts. It takes me a while to do that when I could be working on my stories or something else productive. I do it because I want respect and respect myself enough to not be used as a way to full people's fucking egos. Yes, I'm pissed over something stupid. Fucking fight me, mate.


@ShiningInsanity I agree, but I'm too nice to not follow back. Maybe I should start waiting for a day or so before I follow back 


@KidScarRogueReese Never follow back. Honestly, people just abuse that kind of thing to take advantage of others. It's not worth it at all. When people follow you, it should be because they're interested in actually keeping up with the things you do. Not to get a free follow. To some people, it's all about numbers. But it should be about worth.


I just spammed ShiningInsanity!!! Oh my Cipher! Why did I do that???? 


@KidScarRogueReese Probably not, lol. Also, thanks very much.


@KidScarRogueReese Pfft, is it even possible for there to be too much angst? And I will if I come up with anything else. :)


@ShiningInsanity I don't usually write nuch angst because I can get pretty crazy with it but I might write some more for it. Also, I did write an alternate ending tobthe Sock Opera episode if you're interested in reading it. It really isn't good and I'm not really proud of it but it was my first Gravity Falls one-shot that I wrote.
            Anyways, if you have more ideas for any type if one-shot I would love to hear them because I really love your ideas. Thank you!