
There will be no chapter for Eternal Echoes today as I simply did not have any motivation to write the past two weeks. But I'll try and have a killer chapter to upload by Monday! 
          	Have a nice day and don't forget to take care of yourself. 


Dreaming about the day I can finally be me, I enter the classroom and sit behind my desk. Like every other day. Nothing new, except... A little piece of paper between the pages of my book. It is not immediately noticeable, carefully placed so only someone with a keen eye would see it.
          Carefully, I open the note. It reads: "You are not the only one."


New Chapter of Eternal Echoes available:
          Michael's expression softened with understanding. "Rachel, I had no idea."
          Rachel nodded, a small smile forming on her lips at Michael's words. "I've gotten good at hiding it," she confessed, her eyes flickering with a mix of relief and vulnerability. "But lately, it's been harder to keep up the facade."
          Michael reached out, gently taking her hand in his, his touch a source of comfort and support. "You don't have to hide anything from me, Rachel," he said softly, his gaze unwavering. "I'm here for you." He gently squeezed her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "You're incredibly brave for opening up about this, Rachel."


Little sneak peek for tomorrows chapter: O.O 
          Michael grabbed Rachel's arm, his voice urgent. "We have to do something. We can't let this happen."
          Rachel's eyes filled with tears, but she knew there was no stopping the mob now. "Michael, it's too late. We can't save her from this."
          "I guess we're not here to change history..." Micheal said his voice soft and hoarse.


I always thought that I couldn't write a dystopian story cause it's just not my style, no matter how much I like to read those books or watch the movies. 
          Then I looked up the exact meaning of the dystopian genre and realized. 
          The short story I'm most proud of, written years ago is dystopian...
          Anyway, give "Monster" a try if you're feeling up for it ;)