Here is a couple of paragraphs from chapter three of No Name Given
Ara possessed a bottom bunk, as it was preferred that smaller kids got the bottom, and older got the top. But if you really wanted it could be switched for a bunk. There were more empty bottom bunks, as most little kids, unfortunately, couldn't survive long enough to make it here, the most common way for a little kid to get there was a parent or guardian requesting for a killjoy to get them, or if the kid begged a killjoy to take them with them, where they would most often end up here as most teams couldn't support a child, even teens were dropped off. It was hard work for the two parental killjoys, but they had plenty of help.
Looking up at the seemingly tall bunks, Ara noticed one teen in all black reading a book, their bunk was in one of the corners, so their back was bent to fit the sharp corner of the roof. Deep in their leather-bound book, the female's eyes glittered going from dusty page to page. The smell of an old book filling the corner.
The purple contact orbs weren't in reality, as the blue-tipped hair teen didn't notice Ara climbing the ladder, peaking over her shoulder as the ginger got comfortable. She couldn't read yet, but she wanted to learn. Inside were a lot of cursive words, with doodles of plants she couldn't identify. Tall and brown, with swirls in the wood. Oval shaped orange, red and yellow paper falling from the plant, scattering on the grass floor. With long green plants swooping down. There were a lot of them surrounding a bright blue reflective lake, as the sunlight bounced off the light into the scenery. The cursive read; "Today I went to a beautiful f_r__st." A lot had been smudged off over the years, as graphite had been used to write it.