
I'm looking for a beta reader / editor... someone comfortable with fanfiction / romance and everything that entails, so love, kisses, cheesy pick up lines, graphic sex - the lot! ;)
          	If anyone is interested, please let me know. I can't offer payment, but I can offer email correspondence, lame jokes, London rain and a shoulder to cry on! My NEW wattpad profile is gracedahne and my twitter is @tbftbieber 


I'm looking for a beta reader / editor... someone comfortable with fanfiction / romance and everything that entails, so love, kisses, cheesy pick up lines, graphic sex - the lot! ;)
          If anyone is interested, please let me know. I can't offer payment, but I can offer email correspondence, lame jokes, London rain and a shoulder to cry on! My NEW wattpad profile is gracedahne and my twitter is @tbftbieber 


Lol. Yay Justin's in it!!:) Haha I will be fine with anything you post! It will be great. Haha you should put on some mood music on whenever you writing the chapter. That always helps me!! And awwe thank you lovie! I'm glad to hear that I make your say lol that's was the goal all along;) haha. You are nice, there's no need for me to send you any niceness, honestly. 


@SeargantGoober Justin will be in it ;) He'll be in at least the next 4 chapters, probably more, but then he has to leave :( I'm not saying anything else, except that they'll only be apart for 2-3 chapters. I've been staring at this sentence for about half an hour and it's bugging me. I feel like a bit of a failure to be honest, I'm too busy reading to write, and now JBFF is down. Again. Oh well. Thank you for saying it will be worth the wait... but it won't. If I was a reader and this chapter came up after a week and a half of waiting I would just be like "Umm.... what? I waited ten days for THAT?!"


@KidrauhlOwnsMyHeart haha I'm not going to kill you! I understand completely. I don't really have any problem with filters honestly! Justin going to be in it right? Because if he isn't, then I would be sad)': lol. And alright! I'm just very anxious and ready for the next chapter but it's going to be with the wait, definitely!!:) I've never had a problem just sitting down and writing either, as long as there not a while bunch of things trying to distract me lol


I'm trying so hard, I keep getting distracted lol. I really need to, and i have about half the chapter down but it's a filler (and I promised myself I wouldn't write one until the section is over, but I guess that didn't turn out right.) You know how bad I am with fillers lol and this is just so awful. Hopefully the next few days or so, but no promises I'm afraid. Definitely before Friday though. I feel so bad for not sitting down and making myself write, I don't know how some people do it. I'm so bad at this!!But once this chapter is out of the way, this section of #JaliciaTime (I am so sad x_x) will be very interesting ;) That I can promise. Crappy answer, and you can kill me if you want, but obviously I'd prefer it if you didn't. :P x