


Hey guys, it's been a while. I am just writing to let you all know that I am currently writing the third & final chapter in the 'October 31st' series. I know that I started it in 2016, but I wasn't in a headspace to write. I have fresh ideas for my story and my characters to give them all the best sendoff they deserve, whilst also delivering a finale that doesn't seem rushed - like my original ideas did. I want this story to flow, I want big explosions, reveals, betrayal, secrets AND A WHOLE LOT OF DEATH. GET READY!


So, I haven't made an update in a while, so i'll do one now. I am writing a third story for the October 31st series, but I've been asked a few times if I have plans for anymore stories in the franchise, and I can officially confirm that the third one IS the final story, and it will end everything. The reason for this, is that I'm struggling with writer's block for number 3, and It's stressful, because I wanna be able to deliver the best story I can for you guys, which I'm working my arse off to deliver. 
          So, yes, number 3 WILL be the finale as we all know it, and it will be the final piece of the puzzle. I'm not glad it's ending, as I love writing these stories for you guys, and I love deciding their fates, and coming with a shocking reveal. I feel that they've run their course, and the third one will be a good time to end it, with the game coming to an end. 
          I'm sorry that it's coming to an end, because I'm gonna miss writing them, and imagining the scenes in my mind, and then realising how amazing they'll be, and I love the reactions! 
          So, it's official, after number 3, it's the end.


Hi guys. Seeing as a lot of you enjoyed OCTOBER 31st, I am finally happy to announce, that I am writing a sequel to OCTOBER 31st, called 'OCTOBER 31st- The Second Night!' It will be a year later, and will be based in the same town, but some questions that I didn't answer in the first one, WILL BE ANSWERED in this one. You will find out, WHO KILLED AMELIA! And who was responsible for really wanted us dead. I know it sounds weird, but you will see why when you read it. Hope it goes well, and hope to have more chapters than before. I want a lot more gore and a lot more dead bodies. So I am writing a sequel, and it should be out soon. Should be out in 2016 or 2017!