
Hi everyone :)
          	So I know that I have been really quiet and have not been updating as much recently but I was finding it hard to write, but I've been working on alot...being myself and my books, so this is what I have planned:
          	1. Photo's Finest has 2 more chapters then it will be completed.
          	2. The Forbidden Bond would have my attention I will try my very best to update regularly once Photo's Finest has been completed.
          	3. Blood and Roses, I am aware that the book is incomplete and is at the ending but reading over it again I found alot of blanks and places where things were rushed etc. 
          	So what I am planning on doing is to edit the book and publish the edited chapters and finish off the book that way. The edited version will have some major differences that the origional and some may change the plot entirely so I recommend reading the book from the start instead of just the final chaper. 
          	I hope you all understand my choice because I started this book when I was young and quiet immature with the way I used to think and write. So I hope you continue to support me and my books moving forward.
          	I also wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been supporting me all this time, it genuinely means the world that you are reading my books. So thank you again❤
          	If ya'll have any comments or thoughts feel free to let me know. 
          	Stay safe, Stay healthy and see you soon in the next chapter
          	Ps. don't forget to vote and comment (it helps with motivation and confidence) Also if there is anything you wish to educate me on, I'm all ears and ready to learn...mean or rude comments will not be tolerated
          	Okay bye bye now


Hi everyone :)
          So I know that I have been really quiet and have not been updating as much recently but I was finding it hard to write, but I've been working on alot...being myself and my books, so this is what I have planned:
          1. Photo's Finest has 2 more chapters then it will be completed.
          2. The Forbidden Bond would have my attention I will try my very best to update regularly once Photo's Finest has been completed.
          3. Blood and Roses, I am aware that the book is incomplete and is at the ending but reading over it again I found alot of blanks and places where things were rushed etc. 
          So what I am planning on doing is to edit the book and publish the edited chapters and finish off the book that way. The edited version will have some major differences that the origional and some may change the plot entirely so I recommend reading the book from the start instead of just the final chaper. 
          I hope you all understand my choice because I started this book when I was young and quiet immature with the way I used to think and write. So I hope you continue to support me and my books moving forward.
          I also wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been supporting me all this time, it genuinely means the world that you are reading my books. So thank you again❤
          If ya'll have any comments or thoughts feel free to let me know. 
          Stay safe, Stay healthy and see you soon in the next chapter
          Ps. don't forget to vote and comment (it helps with motivation and confidence) Also if there is anything you wish to educate me on, I'm all ears and ready to learn...mean or rude comments will not be tolerated
          Okay bye bye now


Bish! We need more updates after exams....


As long as we get something 


I still have chapters in the works but my week is jam packed with work so I might be a while on finishing them 


@Alecia_Xo hi doing great thanks....


Hey guys....
          So the Gigi book is officially finished but like I said before it is a series book so keep an eye out for the next book...
          I've been thinking of putting the Perrie book on hold so I can focus on the series but I will finish the book later on
          Let me know what you guys think...


Okay guys so now is time to make the choice for who Kendall will be with: 
          1) Cara Delevingne? 
          2)Taylor hill?
          3) Hailey Baldwin?  
          The one with the most votes will be Kendall's love interest, happy choosing

