
          This is florence and i post this message to invite you to read my stories that i have just made...
          Here are the list of titles;
          "Limits of Love".  (Science Fiction)
          "Back to School".  (Mystery/Thriller)
          "Unofficial Wife".  (Romance)
          Please, i beg you to please give my stories a chance, please read them, vote, and comment your thoughts about the story.
          I really want to share the stories that i made to people, so please, give it a chance.
          Or at least just take a look of these, it'll mean so much to me.
          Thank you.


Hai , kak Kiki-Kun. Mampir ke lapak aku yuk.
          Baca cerita ku, judulnya Secret Mission
          Kritik dan saran sangat dibutuhkan. Dibaca ya, kalau suka vote dan coment. Butuh alasan kenapa kamu suka. Makasih atas perhatian nya. coment. Butuh alasan kenapa kamu suka. Makasih atas perhatian nya.