Hey Guyzzz
im so excited i have offically released 2 more books, one is "Every girl, ever boy. witch i'm working on THIS YEAR! and then Another one called "the way he feels" <--- be excited about this one ;)
The way he feels comes out late 2016, but dont worry, there are 3 other books you can keep up with so you guys can put up with my writing, i have deleted 3 of my earlier books: 'Paper heart", "Take me home" and i recently deleted "she's my girl"
im pretty upset, but im happy too because i have brand new stories, the reason they got deleted was because i just didnt have the inspiration to continue on and i constantly had writers block on all three i was struggling on what would happen in the end and also its great that i have so many ideas, but some can just be in my imagine, i already have 4 books to work on and i cannot work on other ones that give me writers block
THats risky!
but for my new books, i know exactly whats going to happen
hope your okay with this decision and i cant wait for you to read my new books