
Hey guys! I wouldn't to say something (I'll make an A/N about it too). I'm thinking about starting another book, something to update when I've got writers block. It would be a completely cliché (Not really, I've got some really original ideas written) Mortals Meet Demigods book. Give me your advice if you would read it or not, just reply to this or comment in the A/N I'll make sometime in the next few days!


Hey guys! I wouldn't to say something (I'll make an A/N about it too). I'm thinking about starting another book, something to update when I've got writers block. It would be a completely cliché (Not really, I've got some really original ideas written) Mortals Meet Demigods book. Give me your advice if you would read it or not, just reply to this or comment in the A/N I'll make sometime in the next few days!


Wattpad and my IPhone are stupid. I wrote two words on the chapter and it crashes. Again and again and again. I'm too weak from being sick to throw my phone, so I don't now what to do. I was planning on doing two chapters today, now I'll be lucky if I get one out there. It seriously won't stop crashing. I'm still shooting for two chapters published though, or at least one done and half of another draft. We'll see.