
Hello readerssssss...
          	My new poem is out♡♡♡
          	****She lived a life, She loved.****
          	Here's the link~
          	Do visit and And tell me what you like the most in comments ;♡
          	Do support by votings♡
          	Happy readingsss:))
          	*TurnyourreadmodeoNNfolks* ~♥~


          If you understand hindi and by any chance intrested in hindi poetry/shayaris, I would like to recommend you my only work "Woh Beeti Hui Nazre"
          I am sure you will like it
          Thank you for your time❣


Hello dreamersssss.....
          So my new poem's out',
          All about love and rain,
          All the boats and muddy puddles,
          All dances and musics youve craved,
          And all the lullaby you love,
          When its rain!!
          For the magic of poem, visit the page,
          «Raindrops are my perfect lullaby»
          do vote pleaaaseee, 
          And Do read by love♡♡♡
          Comment if you like it O:D
          Hope you'll enjoyyy!!
          «Thankyouuuu readers for your visits»