
Hi all! I will be going out of town for Thanksgiving so I will resume posting next week. Thank you all for reading~ 
          	See you soon!


hey when's the next update on behind closed doors???


To all of my wonderful readers out there, I am still here ^•^ I am continuing to write but have recently found myself revising my stories (some of which still remain unposted at the moment) because I’m currently unhappy with the outcome/development. I’ve lost motivation to continue on because I’m not happy with my work. I will fix this and hopefully return with stories that make people happy (including myself) thank you as always for reading ~ 


Thanks for da fantastic and fabulous follow!!! (I know... I'm weird....) anyways... as I was saying... Thanks for following me followed you back :3 and I just wanna say.... YOU LIKE ANIMU AND KPOP?!?!?!? If so.... LETS BE FRIENDS.... LIKE, SEIRIOUSLY RIGHT NOW. I know I probably scared u off cause of meh weirdness but I still (J) hope we can be friends.


Yes! Let’s be friends! You couldn’t scare me off haha