
Positivity Chain Time!
          Rani~Sama thinks that should all try to stay happy, quarantine or not, so she wants you to write three facts about yourself and post it on ten of your followers’ message boards.
          Rani~Sama likes to dye the tips of her hair different colours (currently red as she writes this).
          Her birthday is on September 23rd.
          She has a sister who is two years older than her and a lazy cat named Elvis (Rani~Sama would like you to know that she did NOT choose the name)


I would like to apologize for the words I’m going to say, for I have lost the password to this account, I hope you all are doing well and I have missed you but I didn’t know how to admit my mistake. I’m weird that way, I apologize for not replying in any way shape or form. I love you both!. @ZoeNightshadeinStars @Dragon_Writer53 


            Rani~Sama thinks that that is a cool fact, and is lucky to have her birthday when it is!