
It's been pointed out to me by @Sa-nemi that some dude on YouTube know as Kumar Texting was using my story: Upper Moon's Successor, on one of his videos, and he copied the whole chapter 1 and 2 into the texting story.
          	Dude didn't even leave anything in the description about where it came from.
          	I even commented on the video a while ago, and my comment got deleted.


So that's a plus 


@KilluaZoldyck3000 Yo! Good news he read my comment and added you. Saying that it was always there


this message may be offensive
The asshole says, and I quote: “I’m gonna finish it in my own way.”
          	  Sorry to hear this happened to you 


Hello Author, hope it reaches you I really love your fanfic. I want to request that if possible can I get permission to use your fanfic for my YouTube video. I'll give all the credits as you want just let me know if you have any conditions. This is the link to my channel you can checkout if you wanna know more. I really hope for positive response.


I understand that you don't currently have access to a laptop, which makes it difficult for you to continue writing your fan fiction. However, I sincerely hope that you will find the opportunity to resume writing them at some point and not let them fall to the wayside (the fan fiction cemetery). Your stories are very interesting and make for a great read. Additionally, I hope that you will be able to finish up Book 1, which was unfortunately deleted by WP. It's great that you managed to recover some of it, and I look forward to seeing it completed. Your dedication and creativity are truly appreciated, and I eagerly await more of your wonderful work in the future.


@whitevamp1 Thanks for the message. I also hope my laptop gets fixed soon so I can get back to writing.


When willbyou update your tensura story


@LuxCranel00 I plan to update it. I just don't have anything to write it on. I still don't have my laptop, and using my phone to write is a pain in the ass.


Cause people think you discontinue your story is been like a year bro


How about it do it one at times for each chapter