It's been 5 years since I read "Take Me Back To Paddington". I read it when i was in middle school and now I'm in college. I just wanted to say I love your books soooo much (I think I read three of your books but the third one is deleted) and genuinely I've never thought and never will ever again think that I would find an author that literally almost all of their books captivated me and keep me up all night just to finish their books because of all the amazing plot twist and the uniqueness of the storylines. I remember I promised myself 5 years ago after reading one of your books that whenever I have money, one of the must things i have to buy is your book. So here I am 5 years later, trying to find a link to buy your book because I badly want to support you because l was and am still in love with your writing and your talented mind after all these years. Right now it's said to be sold out in Amazon of your book "Eyes Meet". I'm hoping that one day you decide to update and sell more of your books. I hope you're in a happy place in your life because your books did that to me too at one point in my life. Thank you for publishing your books 5 years ago <3333 (| really want to buy a physical copy of your book if you ever decided to sell more)