I love dark, gripping and exciting stories and when I can't find the right story to fuel my fire. I write the damn thing!

I swear. Like a lot. And I tend to write characters the same. So, if you're offended by the F bomb, you might wanna give my stories a miss. But if you don't mind the occasional fXck, then come on over!

I'm an Indie Author of Dark Fantasy and Urban Fantasy novels/novellas such as The Fire and Ice Series and the No Angel Series. I like kick-arse women and powerful men who will push the reader to the edge of their seat and then tip them off.

You can find my titles on Amazon, B&N, Kobo and Smashwords and I'd love some fans.

Also, you can find my website here: http://www.hauntingfiction.com/
  • Bundaberg, Queensland
  • JoinedMarch 28, 2013