
Update on me:
          	Well it’s been nearly a year since I graduated, and I was hoping to get back to writing soon after graduation but we see how that didn’t happen. I’m currently debating what to do with my stories because I obviously want to finish them, and not just let them sit, but I’m not sure if I want to finish them as fanfiction and then rewrite them as legitimate books, or if I want to just work on rewriting them instead of finishing them here. If I did the former, the fanfiction would act as the first draft of the books when I eventually write them, but the latter I think would save me time? Because when it comes to making things (writings, essays, artwork, etc.) I tend to do better on the first try than any retry afterward, so I’m not sure what to do 
          	I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting, I often think of these stories and how to continue them, I’m just trying to find my motivation for writing and figure out what I’ll do next. I’ve also thought of a few more stories that I think will be awesome, if I ever do more than just think about them.
          	I think I’ll stop here but let me know what you guys have been up to!☺️


Update on me:
          Well it’s been nearly a year since I graduated, and I was hoping to get back to writing soon after graduation but we see how that didn’t happen. I’m currently debating what to do with my stories because I obviously want to finish them, and not just let them sit, but I’m not sure if I want to finish them as fanfiction and then rewrite them as legitimate books, or if I want to just work on rewriting them instead of finishing them here. If I did the former, the fanfiction would act as the first draft of the books when I eventually write them, but the latter I think would save me time? Because when it comes to making things (writings, essays, artwork, etc.) I tend to do better on the first try than any retry afterward, so I’m not sure what to do 
          I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting, I often think of these stories and how to continue them, I’m just trying to find my motivation for writing and figure out what I’ll do next. I’ve also thought of a few more stories that I think will be awesome, if I ever do more than just think about them.
          I think I’ll stop here but let me know what you guys have been up to!☺️


Guess who’s back! Sorry for ditching I just got freaked out✌️


 Y'ALL I'm so glad your back


@Kim_Hyun_jae_95 I am happy to hear that! I have been doing alright myself.


@Ryusha I’ve been doing really well actually! I’ve been really busy but I’ve been good! How about you, dear?


Hey so I'm deleting Wattpad heard that Wattpad sold our info to the dark web and that's a big heck no for me. I don't know if that's true but I don't wanna find out, so I'm leaving I copied all my books I'm working on into notes and hopefully one day I'll finish them and publish them as books! You'll still be able to read them on here (I think) cause I'm just deleting the app off my phone and not completely deleting my account. Anyway I love you guys, and maybe consider deleting Wattpad as well? Ofc it's up to you guys. 
          But yes, I love you all and hope you're staying safe! I'm on Tumblr if you want a place to get ahold of me! I'm @hyunnietae but just a warning I'm really inactive there but I'm still sometimes there so‍♀️
          Keep in touch beauties! you're all amazing and I love you and I'll miss you guys so much!


Hello everyone!  Long time no see!
          So I have good news and bad news. The good news is, over the past few months I've improved my writing abilities, and now I'm going to go through and edit Hybrid Island! Once I'm through editing, I'll begin to update again, although editing might take awhile.
          Now for the bad news. I'm sorry to say, but I'm going to discontinue Detective Kim. I don't know enough about the subjects I chose to write about, to continue writing it in a way that I'd feel proud of. At this point I don't even remember what else I was planning to write for it next. But if you like the idea, then you are more than welcome to take from it and make your own story! Honestly, I'd be honored to see another story based off of it! If you do make your own story though, please credit me!^^ And don't worry! I won't delete it! I'll just be sure to say that it's disconnected.
          As for my other stories, I've started writing them but there isn't hardly anything there. Mermaids Aren't Real and Hybrid Island are probably the only stories that I'm going to continue.
          Thank you all for being patient with me, and I hope to continue writing very soon!


I'm sorry to say but Hybrid Island and Detective Kim are being put on hold until further notice. I have had no motivation to write them and have decided to put them away for awhile. I'm sorry to those of you who enjoy reading them and I hope that I'll come back to write them soon. Thank you all for sticking with them and I hope you'll continue to do so as they're on hold. I love and appreciate you all!


The next Update for Hybrid Island is in the works BUT... I'm having a really hard time getting myself to write anything for it. Usually when I make myself write, it doesn't take but I few minutes to get into "the zone" and I can just write without any problem. But every time I've tried that for this new chapter I just haven't been able to get in "the zone". So I honestly don't know when I'll be getting the new chapter out. I want to get it out soon because it's in celebration of reaching over 1,000 reads, but I don't want to force myself if I can't get into my writing zone. I'm worried that if I do that, the chapter will suck and sound forced. So I'm just letting you all know, and I honestly don't know when I'd have you guys expect to see it, maybe like within a week? (Writing a whole chapter can take just a couple hours worth of work and I can usually complete one in a day). Let's hope I can do that! Thank you all for being patient and I hope you're all happy and healthy!