
When your bored you make up words well at least I do


Hey, I have some cute quotes for you. You don't need to read them but whatever
          ❝she is an open book with pages glued together to hide her secrets❞
          ❝feelings are just like the wheather❞
          ❝if you could read my mind, you'll be in tears❞
          ❝take a selfie, fake a life❞
          ❝And he looked at me like there was something worth looking at❞
          ❝oh, sweetie, you're not ugly. Society is❞
          ❝you're obsessed with finding someone to love you because you can't love yourself❞
          ❝you might hate my words but you know that I'm right❞
          ๏̯͡๏﴿→ just because. Don't ask.


@FreakingAesthetic there pretty cool quotes and i kind of use my old account now so sorry that i never noticed this before


It is hard to trust isn't it? Because you don't know who'll betray you and you don't know who'll stay with you. I probably don't know the trust issue you're feeling but I, for one, know that it IS hard to trust with a world full of people behind masks.


Yeah I want to trust but I have had it destroyed a lot