


Y'all...since I finally had time on my hands (because I'm in college now) I decided to read one of my stories I wrote from middle school. 
          Now I'm questioning my middle school self and my existence 


@Kimi-chan3232 OFJEKSNFJS OMFG AAAAA IM DEADBSKSHSKS but like im very honored and im glad u like it for it to be the first story in your library uwu


@lost_potato OMG THE "Haven't Got Me" ONE! That FF was one of the first books in my library when I first joined wattpad!!


Enough is enough. I'm sick and tired of hearing about another black life being taken by the police. I'm sick and tired of hearing about the police officer(s) being acquitted of the murder. In general...I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED!!! Police brutality against African Americans has been happening for years and years! 2020 is the time where it comes to a stop. How many more lives are going to be lost for everyone to get the message! Sometimes I think "What if I'm next?" and I don't want to think like that but at times like this, I cant help but to. Its scary. If you want to help the BLM movement: Donate, sign petitions( that's what I've been doing), talk about it using using your platforms, or join peaceful protests if you want to. Everyone, please be safe and I love you all. #BlackLivesMatter


Hi everyone! Happy 2020 guys! I know its been a while since I've posted chapters and everything but I've been dealing with a lot of things mentally and emotionally so I haven't been able to post anything. But I promise to get back writing this year.
          with love,


           Soooooo. First I would like to apologize for my absence. I've been dealing with a lot of things at the moment and to be honest, I did not have the best start into the 2019 year. So Once I'm done handling everything I need to get done, I will get back to writing. 
          Yours Truly,


@StrawberryShortcak18 Kurosaki Sisters 2: Past, Present, and Future 


@StrawberryShortcak18 I have already written a second book 


@Kimi-chan3232 Are you going to write another book 2 about the Ren and Aya


Yo...So I was looking at my old stories to reflect on my writing. I kinda realized that my writing is cringey af. I mean I wrote these stories when I was in middle school . I might go back to writing fanfics...maybe. I will probably unpublish them one at a time to rewrite them, then will see what happens from there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I just want to thank you guys for reading my crappy stories and I'll  probably update by the end of this month or this year. Love you guys!


Hello everyone, sorry for not being able to update. I'm really busy with school, community service,and writers block, now I'm dealing with a cold. I hope to update soon when I get a chance. Thank you for your understanding. 
          P.S future works coming soon!