Herro.. M-My name's Casper. I only tell the people I actually know my real name... Sorry ^^But.. yeah. So... I tend to act shy. Thats expected.. Uhm, I don't really know what to say so Ill just explain what kind of books I like to do. 
and More Gay!


I am deeply into yaoi. Yes, I am. I do alot of gay things. Fan fiction or not. So.. In detail, sorta. I do- BxB, MxM, MxB, all that shit ya know?

Ah, I change from time to time. I try updating when I can and it will be frequent, I hope. Things get in the way often, so please don't be upset if I don't update right away.

I've had a hard past.. But I think I've changed. Uhhhhhhh..... Well, I guess I'll let you go to read my books or whatever other books you read. Have fun~ ^^

OH! I almost forgot. I roleplay too! So if you roleplay, I'll roleplays with you ^^

Anyway, Later!~
  • My little room ^^
  • JoinedMarch 22, 2016
