Heya Carla! I got a question. Do you only specialize in building bombs or do you build anything else? Perhaps robots or some gadgets that make stealing stuff easier? Thanks if you answer (・∀・)

@Kindergarten_Carla No problem! Have a good day as well! (btw if you ever build anything created for...chaos. I'll be glad to personally test them if you're short on a volunteer ㅤᵕ̈)

@uh_imkokoro Well I build bombs thanks to Monty sometimes but yeah, I build bombs but also stuff like explosives, lasers..I'm pretty smart and sometimes I do my work by myself but I'm also helped by Kidd or Monty :) Oh, and maybe I can try to build a gadget like that >:D, thanks for the idea And thanks for the question, have a good day :D