
So here's my situation. I really want to try to finish writing Dream during the summer. But I kinda wanna actually publish it as a real book. Like get in stores book, the ones that you have to go out your house or order online to get. It would be pretty dope to be a teenager and publish a book, yet idk if I trust my literary skills enough. I'd have to brush up really neatly. But whateves. For the time being I will be revisiting past chapters to renew and add more life to them and continuing the story.


So here's my situation. I really want to try to finish writing Dream during the summer. But I kinda wanna actually publish it as a real book. Like get in stores book, the ones that you have to go out your house or order online to get. It would be pretty dope to be a teenager and publish a book, yet idk if I trust my literary skills enough. I'd have to brush up really neatly. But whateves. For the time being I will be revisiting past chapters to renew and add more life to them and continuing the story.


Welp. I'm back from a hiatus and I need to apologize once more. School has been very distracting and changing my moods. However, it has also opened up new ideas for Dream and the plot. So in a way, school helped. Well its supposed to do that in the first place just not as expected to help me with this. Anyways, I have decided to revision some chapters to my liking. Adding more detail and getting rid of that "moving-to-fast" feeling. I don't know if its just me or that I'm getting too much to the point. Which contradicts the plans I originally had for this book. Theres supposed to be a lot of untold details and small clues which I have always loved while reading. So now if you excuse me, I have some work to get into.
          Thank you and don't stop reading <3.


I am so sorry for not updating in about 2 months guys. I've been so caught up with school work and family stuff that I haven't been able to focus on writing at all. But I've gotten some more motivation and ideas for "Dream" that I think are going to be amazing. And by amazing I mean its going to be a pain in your asses when everything unfolds. 
          In further news, I have a new book idea for a series that I plan to be just as good as "Dream" or even better. I won't give any spoilers to what it will be about, but just expect some very deep stuff and you'll be contemplating your morals.
          This has been KingBryan and happy reading everybody <3.


UPDATE: With School back in session, I won't be able to write Dream as often. But I'll try to dedicate some time to it if my homework doesn't take hours. In other news, I'd like to introduce my friends who will be helping me write Dream. @TheHannahCat @SavingFaces and @MCRaynator . Hannah will be my Editor which means she'll check for any errors. Ray and Ella will be helping with certain parts that I really have no idea how to write. But these two have years of experience in the such Realm that Dream will slightly dip into. Check there books out if you're into that kind of stuff. Do whatever man. Thank you for following and happy reading ::::)