
Hello looks who's back from a very very long hibernation. Anyways I got a litte free time and decided to publish any adaptation I have noted to be good and worth sharing. 


Hi, do you know a story where Lisa and Jennie are ex lover because lisa choose her career and she’s a successful ceo now but on christmas eve she felt so lonely—she fell asleep then woke up on another universe? where she and jennie a married couple and have kids (a universe where she chose to stay with jennie). they have a simple life and she’s a mechanic and jennie’s a free lawyer i think.


@sleepyreaderx hmm have you found it?


@sleepyreaderx is it shake the dust?


Hello this is Author-nim. 
          It has been a while. And a lot has happened (good and bad) lately. In real life isn't easy fairing for me as well. But I want to say this that if anyone of you reading this message or happened to scroll over because you followed my profile.
          I hope you are okay. I hope you didn't give up to the rough challenges you bravely face day by day. Even if it's just waking up and facing the mirror saying you get to make it one day at a time. I am proud of your resilience to carry on and not give up...
          Blackpink has been my resting place amongst this chaotic world called reality. But even my resting place has been disturb and shaken for the past few days. But just like them who faced on the challenges. I wish to keep fighting and waking up everyday. To try and try even if it hurts to continue inch by inch. 
          My stories will remain no matter how hazy reality may be. My stories will stand strong just like always. No one is going to destroy the different alternate universes I created and adapted whom made me smile and made me feel sheltered amongst the cruel reality. 
          So I hope you keep fighting and believing as well. 


@KingCaptFeline thank you for your words <3


@KingCaptFeline I feel the same. This is one place where I feel relaxed and disappear into a happy space. Thank you for all these amazing books. I hope we can all be happy in this universe 


I'm about to deactivate my account, so I wanted to say hi and thank you to one of my favorite authors. Thank you for your incredible stories! I enjoyed reading it all. <33 goodluck in writing other stories mwamwa


@yellowmuffin08 Hello. Thank you for appreciating my originals and adaptations I hope I was able to share fun and enjoyment to readers like you. <3


Hello this is Author-nim. 
          I want to thank you guys again for supporting my little collection of adaptations and originals. I hope you enjoyed each one of them. I would like to take this time to clear out somethings which includes:
          1. When will I continue my unfinished originals? 
          As of now they will be on a hiatus, I still don't have the luxury of time to update them cause it takes time to write, think for content and proofread originals compared to converting. 1 chapter would take so much effort and time and I hope to compensate my contents with adaptations for now. 
          2. Many are asking me to adapt different ships. For now I will be declining any ships other than Jenlisa and Chaesoo adaptation. Maybe when I get a to adapt a fic that fits other ships well compared to the two above then I will try it someday. 
          3. Your messages replied or unreplied by me, know that I appreciate them all may it be constructive criticism or pure positive enjoyment on my fic. Thank you for it. 
          4. If you still have questions about me and adaptations feel free to comment it. I'll try my best to answer them. 


@prinsesa_1213 I am glad as well that people get to enjoy me sharing fics that I find good and needs to be shared on other audience. And still credits to the original author who were so brilliant to write good things. Technical editor must be an amazing job... Yes, I think a lot of readers don't know that writing originals takes a lot of time and effort before publishing. A lot goes on behind the scenes from the plot, characters and their roles, setting as well as how each chapter goes and not to mention proof reading. I just want readers to know that if and if I did have the luxury amount of time i would have made originals myself. I mean i always have plots around my head running here and there and i just really lack the time to do so. And the last thing i want is to leave a story hanging. 
            Harry Potter has always been a part of our childhood and to mix a favorite ship into it is just a big dream. I will surely try to adapt stories which revolve around established plot like Harry Potter or maybe GOT. Anyways let's see in the distant future when my schedule lightens. 


@Maam1990 I'll take this an option when I get the time to adapt a new one. Will credit you for the recommendation as well thank you. <3


I'm just so glad to have found your works-originals and adaptations. As a technical editor, I agree that producing originals is demanding. Many readers don't have any idea how much effort is required to create an original story that is visually appealing (ie, grammatically correct). 
            I hope you continue doing whatever makes you (and us) happy.
            PS: Your last JenLisa AU is ! Made me nostalgic and giddy at the same time.