
Just posted Story 'The HMS Terror'


The realm of the dead is in urgent need of soldiers. If you would like to contribute to both the living and our undead army, stop by Necro Community. Currently, we're in search of Revenants (graphic designers), Skeletons (reviewers), Ghouls (editors), and much more.
          If you ever die and wish to rise from the grave, crack open our book "Join the Necro Community." You can receive reads, comments, follows, and everlasting bonds through our army.
          Even if you remain alive, you may still wish to stop by. Our account will soon open many shops hosted by our army, and you can wander around as you please.
          If you have any questions, you may feel free to PM us, and we'll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.


Woohoo!  Hundred views :)
          Although I’m thinking quite a few of those may have been myself... o well.  Thanks to all who took the time to read. :)


Thank you so much, and thank you for taking the time to read and vote on it, I really appreciate it.


  Your book deserves so much more than 100 reads! At the first chapter I could tell it was going to be one hell of a book! 


Thank you so much for voting, commenting an adding my 'Into the Depths' book onto your reading list!! 
          I really appreciate it so thank you so much :) 


No problem, it was a goo first chapter.  I look forward to reading more 


Just to give you a gist what it’s about, it’s set between the real world and a dream world where anything is possible.  The first chapter will also give you an idea.  I noticed you added my book to your book list ‘great books’, iM flattered.  Thanks again.