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Hey guys, I've got some good news and bad news for you all. The bad news (more so for me) is that I just got fired from my job, quite literally out of the blue today. Really sucks, especially since it was about some simple mistakes that I actually owned up to and gave examples of how I learned from them up to this point. And they weren't even that bad either. Ah, well, shit happens, so I just gotta move forward. The good news is that because of the previous point, I now have a lot more free time that has opened up as a result, so I can finally make some decent progress on my writing. I had greatly miscalculated how much time I'd have to write having my job in the equation, but now I'm certain that I can make better progress than I projected back in May. Anyway, just a little update from me. Hope your days are going better and that your futures remain bright! :)
@KingMythLord damn man that's rough, hope you find a better job than your previous tho.