
Alright, the edits have been made and characters are now appropriately named.
          	See you guys soon with the first chapter of Adored by Angels :)


Greetings, Everyone
          It has been too long since I last spoke about my books and after recently returning to add to them, I've decided to give an update on where things stand.
          To start, I am going to still put out my Adventure Time book sometime, though there's going to be a little method to how it'll get released. After cutting a few blank drafts and taking the total chapter amount down to 22, I plan on release four completed chapters at once and going from there.
          But, I have an additional story I want to get started and have the first chapter out before that. After some deliberation, numerous ideas came together and got me motivated to make a sequel/spin-off to my Loved by Demons story, Adored by Angels. Now that Hazbin Hotel has more of a stable foundation of its characters and setting, I feel comfortable enough to create a story in Heaven with the same universe but a different main character. On that note, I will be going back and doing a bit of editing in regards to Loved by Demons, so if you get notifications about that, that's why.
          And, lastly, I doubt any will remember or probably care, but the Coffin of Andy and Leyley story I spoke of doing months and months ago won't be happening. Ever since the new Wattpad guidelines and the type of content in that game, I don't feel comfortable writing about it and taking any chances.
          That's all I'd like to say. Thanks for reading, thank you for the continued support, and I hope your lives stay bright in the dark days.


this message may be offensive
Hey guys,
          I've got some good news and bad news for you all.
          The bad news (more so for me) is that I just got fired from my job, quite literally out of the blue today. Really sucks, especially since it was about some simple mistakes that I actually owned up to and gave examples of how I learned from them up to this point. And they weren't even that bad either. Ah, well, shit happens, so I just gotta move forward.
          The good news is that because of the previous point, I now have a lot more free time that has opened up as a result, so I can finally make some decent progress on my writing. I had greatly miscalculated how much time I'd have to write having my job in the equation, but now I'm certain that I can make better progress than I projected back in May.
          Anyway, just a little update from me. 
          Hope your days are going better and that your futures remain bright! :)


@KingMythLord Sorry about the job, man.


@KingMythLord damn man that's rough, hope you find a better job than your previous tho.


Sorry for being silent for so long, everyone.
          I've been working on some writing in the background, but I haven't been able to make much of any progress towards the books I want to post on here. It's been a very busy and stressful time and when you feel frequently overwhelmed with stuff getting piled on you, it becomes quite difficult to get in the mindset to write. Still, I'm determined to see through what I want to see through to the end.
          In addition to the Adventure Time book I've spoken about, I've also decided to do a 15 chapter story revolving around The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (though I will be toning down or removing some of the darker aspects since I don't feel comfortable writing about them). After that, I think my time writing will be done, or at least be put on hold for a good long while as I get through some larger hurdles coming at the end of the year.
          I'll see about getting a start on both this summer, though I'm more confident the Adventure Time book will be closer to completed by the time Fall starts up. That's all for now.
          I hope all of you are doing well and continue to do well going forward.


@KingMythLord  Life can be stressful at times but it's okay take all the time you need. Don't push yourself too much.


@KingMythLord it’s all good man, life can be stressful at times so just take all the time you need


And with that, the Hazbin Hotel book is complete. Better late than never am I right? To be completely honest, I really regret not working on this more over Summer and Fall 2023, because I feel like if I did, the book would've been done a lot sooner. But, I can't go back and change it, so I'll do my best not to fester on it.
          I think I have one more book left in me for this platform, so, after some back and forth deliberation, I've settled on writing the Adventure Time book I've wanted to do for a while now. It should be easier to get started this time around since I've cut down the total chapter amounts by about half of what they were before, I've made a decent structure for the book, and a few of the chapters are almost completely written.
          I can't wait to start, but if you're not interested in reading it, it's completely fine. I'm more so wanting to write this for myself, but if it gains traction, I'm perfectly happy with that too. I'm probably going to work on the first 6 chapters and then publish them all at once, but that may or may not change.
          Peace, my friends :)


@KingMythLord Ah I see. Good luck on your current and future endeavors, friend. 


@roguescoundrel I'll probably still read others works on here, but the Adventure Time book will be the last piece of writing I'll post here.


@KingMythLord Question. Are you leaving Wattpad, after your Adventure time book? The message you posted kinda feels like it, so, sorry if you don't mean it that way. 


At last, the final four chapters of Loved by Demons are available, my fellow readers!
          Instilled Order and New Chaos
          Realized Morality Renewal
          A Celebration of Efforts
          Dreams and Goals Accomplished
          Thanks for sticking with me to the end on this! It's been quite a journey!


@inFAM0US_ANGEL Thank you so much for your kind words! 
            I really wanted to make this story my best yet and I really do feel proud of how it turned out. I also appreciate that you stuck with the book despite its long hiatus periods, which I blame myself for since I had time to finish it yet couldn't bring myself to do it. But in the end, things work out for a reason and the last chapters turned out just how I wanted them too. 
            As a little behind the scenes secret, I'll admit that the original goal was for the book to have 30 total chapters, but since I didn't have a solid enough outline for the remaining chapters at the time and didn't want to think of more stuff that would feel more like filler and just me dragging it out, I decided to trim down the chapter amount to what it is now.
            As far as my plans are for going forward, I'm going to write a 24-chapter Adventure Time book I've been debating on doing for months now and, once it's complete, retire from writing on Wattpad for good. I'm more so looking to transition from spending hours writing fanfiction to writing my own original stories and getting them out into the public.
            Thanks again and hope your day/night is filled with happiness :)


Let me just be the first say that it has been a great honor reading your story ‘Loved by Demons’ as it has been by far one of the best Hazbin Hotel stories I’ve ever read so far. It’s been about nearly a year or so when I first found and read this story and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it when I first started reading it.
            I was really anxious at the time when It hasn’t received any updates, I was afraid it was never going to be finished and with the upcoming show coming soon at the time, I was assuming you wanted to wait a bit longer. But I’m glad to see you managed to push through and finish it, even if you were going through so much at the time and I do apologize for all the stress and trouble you were going through last year. But I’m glad you’re doing a lot better. 
            It saddens me to see the story finally come to an end and I was kinda expecting a little more, but we all know every story must come to an end. Even the author like yourself could use a break. I don’t know what you have next in mind, but I’m sure it’ll be amazing as this. Thank you for the amazing story you’ve given us. We wish you the best of luck, you’re truly an inspirational to all of us, including me. Thank you.  


Hi, guys.
          I have an update in regards to the Hazbin Hotel book.
          Spoiler Alert: There are 8 chapters left in the book. 
          But the good news is that 5 of those 8 are completed and proofread. I worked hard over winter break to get them done, even though I wished I started sooner, since I could've gotten them all done. 
          Within the next week or so, the remaining 3 chapters will be finished, but I also wanted to let you guys know the publishing schedule for them. Due to me not wanting to wait a week to publish every new chapter, since it'll run into spring break, I'm going to release two sets of four chapters a week apart from each other. The first set will be released after the next chapter, Consequential Contingencies, is completed, but due to some details not being fully planned out yet, it might be the last chapter I work on.
          Hang on for just a bit longer and the story will soon be finished! Thanks :)