
@Nyssa_Mirien  you're welcome, I'm glad I made you smile! :) 


Please finish this book i just found it but its curently 3am for me i love this book so much you wrote it so perfectly and i need to know the ending, and if you havent posted because you got locked out of your account or something to that nature i pray you remember this story and come back here and post your new name and the ending please you said you only had 3 chapters left and then you gave us one and left i love your book and i also love to read any others of your work ♡♡♡♡♡♥︎♡♡♡♡♡♥︎♡♡♡♡♡♥︎♡♡♡♡♡♥︎


Hello KingOfSmirkwood! I absolutely LOVE your book, and I'm dying to know what happens. You have characterized your characters so believably, and your knack for storytelling is spot on. I know everyone is probably asking you this, but when can we expect an update? Thank you for writing! 


Hello , king of Smirkwood . I am king Sassyface of Mirkwood .


And I’ve decided to double follow U 


Yeah me too , because I’m the same person ...


Hi :)  can u send a message to "Havecouragebekind" for me.  For some reason i cant follow her or anything.   Plz ask her for me why IamTheNightWaker cant follow her.  Thanks ❤


@_GodOfMischief_ haha i know, cuz when i first got on this app i didn't know what to do so i followed everyone i saw XD


@IamTheNightWalker because you followed too many people ... ion nin 