Ahh bro, okay
I'mma probably not gonna be in here anymore, I'll check in on comments and such when I actually get up to checking this app. I just don't like writing anymore. I mean, I'll write anything someone might want me to if it was in a piece of paper but that's about it. I MiGhT go back on here and write something small but like I think that's about it about the writing part.
For my art book tho... Idk if I'll continue that either. It's just like, slipped right past my mind even though I still do art.
If you do like my art you could just follow me up on insta since it's an all art account an it's not private or anything.
I just thought, I should post this for future reference or something. Idk
Sorry btw it was fun for awhile and then stopped being that way a year ago or so.