
been a long time since I've hasn't posted and good god what was i on? 


Ao3 kind of sucks, don't get me wrong I LOVE the fanfics the smuts are very well detailed and everything but the thing I hate about ao3 is that you have to wait WEEKS to make an account like I wanna make a smut rn about 2 characters but I can't cuz I can't have an account yet so I have to wait maybe like weeks for ao3 to let me have an account 


hey y'all sorry for not being online, I haven't really been online due to personal stuff, and I kind of move to ao3 now I deleted my cringey book stuff because I didn't really like it. That doesn't mean I am quitting wattpad tho I still have interest in it I have friends and writers that I still love on this app but now I am just mostly using ao3 and dealing with personal stuff hope you guys can understand why I haven't been online much <3


@Kokom1Lover it's okay! Not everyone can be on at all time so i completely understand! Also we be matchingggg


@Kokom1Lover I also rlly miss my friends and how I was so active here and read a lot of fnaf books or stranger things books :') 