PSA ALL HURTFUL,HARMFUL, BULLYING COMMENTS WILL BE REMOVED FROM ANY OF MY BOOKS IMMEDIATELY AND IF YOU CONTINUE AFTER BEING WARNED YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND REPORTED THIS INCLUDES PRIVATE MESSAGES. I acknowledge my writing isn’t for everyone and that is fine but if you don’t like something don’t read it it’s really that simple there is no reason to be disrespectful and hurtful to others and if you can’t find the block button on my account or can’t simply stop reading something you clearly dislike I will do it for you because under no circumstances will I sit by and watch fellow readers and followers or myself be put down by things they chose to read or write about you have been warned. Those of you of you who do follow me for the right reasons and leave comments they honestly make me so happy, and make me laugh my head off sometimes and I appreciate you all and I’m sorry this needed to be said new updates will be coming soon I hope you all have a good day and sorry for being a Debby downer but it needed to done.