
Sorry been a bit MIA with the updates I'm currently in the process of moving houses but by after next week things should settle down and I can get back into daily updates 


@Kinkyprincess_98  I'm a new reader and honestly I can't wait to read your books!! ❤️


hello, I want to speak with you regarding your book. 
          I'm a representative of Letterlux. We are interested in signing one or more of your stories on our platform. 
             Being a signed author Letterlux  is an awesome opportunity, to not only showcase your work, but monitize it
          An EXCLUSIVE contract means that your novel CAN ONLY be published on
          Your royalties and bonuses includes.
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          80,000~119,999 words = 
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          $200 = Attendance bonus
          $200 = Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          120,000 words
          $100 Signing bonus
          $200 × 1 = Attendance bonus
          $300 = Completion 
          Total = $600
          150,000 words 
          $100 Signing bonus
          $200 × 2  = Attendance bonus
          $300 = Completion 
          Total = $800
          200k words and above = $100 signing bonus
          200 × (the number of AB) = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total 1100 to 1300 usd depending on the total number of words.
          Mail me at or dm me on WhatsApp+2348116298109 if you are interested


Sorry been a bit MIA with the updates I'm currently in the process of moving houses but by after next week things should settle down and I can get back into daily updates 


@Kinkyprincess_98  I'm a new reader and honestly I can't wait to read your books!! ❤️


Just another quick messages for those of you who have been asking yes there are books in the work about Grayson and Bella’s relationship as well as Kayla and Ryders from Little Mafia Princess but I don’t want to spread myself to thin so they will most likely be posted once Little Mafia Princess book 2 has come to an end 


@Kinkyprincess_98 Take your time, we can wait, Also, I love your stories <3


PSA ALL HURTFUL,HARMFUL, BULLYING COMMENTS WILL BE REMOVED FROM ANY OF MY BOOKS IMMEDIATELY AND IF YOU CONTINUE AFTER BEING WARNED YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND REPORTED THIS INCLUDES PRIVATE MESSAGES. I acknowledge my writing isn’t for everyone and that is fine but if you don’t like something don’t read it it’s really that simple there is no reason to be disrespectful and hurtful to others and if you can’t find the block button on my account or can’t simply stop reading something you clearly dislike I will do it for you because under no circumstances will I sit by and watch fellow readers and followers or myself be put down by things they chose to read or write about you have been warned. Those of you of you who do follow me for the right reasons and leave comments they honestly make me so happy, and make me laugh my head off sometimes and I appreciate you all and I’m sorry this needed to be said new updates will be coming soon I hope you all have a good day and sorry for being a Debby downer but it needed to done. 


Would you consider writing Grayson and Bella's story? I'd be interested in reading that!


@Kinkyprincess_98 what about a story for Ryder and Kayla ?


I have actually thought about this but didn't know if people would be interested but now I know you are maybe something to think about in the future 


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
Hi guys sorry I haven't been uploading for a while to say a lot of shit has been happening lately would be the understatement of the year. I have suffered from quite bad eczema my whole life normally I can stay on top of it but it got out of control to the point that my skin split and I was just itchy all the time. I had to use a course of topical steroid cream to try and get on top of it, well a week later I was in so much pain where it had flared up on my legs and chest I could barely walk or lift my arms, so I went to urgent care where I was told my eczema had become infected with a severe bacterial infection called cellulitis. I was put on strong painkillers, and antibiotics and given another cream and everything was going well it started healing, but then I took a turn for the worse a few days later everything flared up again angry red skin my skin splitting in so much pain I could do nothing but cry.  I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance as cellulitis the infection I had can turn septic quite quickly which was their original thinking of what was happening but no it turns out because I was on so many antibiotics on top of my already damaged skin from my infection I had gotten thrush which is a common side effect from antibiotics all over my legs, thighs, and stomach but I can happily say I am healing now and everything is looking good I'm having regular check-ups with doctors and using every cream known to man for my overly sensitive skin but now I can finally write again as I can sit up which I'm so excited for because all this free time has definatly given me some planning time for these stories and perhaps some new stories but the main thing is I'm okay new updates will be coming very soon.


@Kinkyprincess_98 I'm sorry you had to go through this. I had severe cellulitis in my legs and almost lost my feet because of it a few years ago. I  know how bad it sucks.


@Kinkyprincess_98 oh babe, so sorry to hear. Sounds absolutely awful and right before Christmas too. Hope are are feeling better xx


Hey guys I’m sorry, I’ve been Mia most of this week. I’ve been hit hard with a sinus infection as well as a chest infection and now a possible ear infection, also having severe asthma with a chest infections takes a lot out  of me so I’ve done nothing but sleep or watch movies in bed this week,  it’s definitely safe to say you’re girl has been going through it  but minus a blocked ear I’m starting to feel a lot better and, have more energy so just wanted to let you guys know that I’m not dead and a new update for my stories will be coming soon, thank you for all your support on my stories and thank you for your patience. I know some of you are dying for a new chapter and I promise it will be coming soon I hope you all have an amazing day 


@Kinkyprincess_98  i hope you feel better soon 
            I love ella and xavier cant wait to see where their story goes❣️