@UniquelyInspired ouo;;; yeah Its cuz I was having a hard time thinking about it and had been stalling for like a month XD;; so I made it fast (convenient for me)
I've finally gotten half way through your book! :P Fictionpress isn't allowed on my school laptop so I'm reading it on here and not really commenting. Although, Shade's birth was REALLY fast. Just saying. @Kiochii
@Kiochii Good that you read, well, I am a bit too, but as I've found a friendly circle, I am comfortable enough to comment =] Good luck, I'm sure you will be just fine! =D
@Kiochii Well, we have a Club here called Share Your Story Club that is mainly a forum dedicated for users to share their books =] Here's the link: http://www.wattpad.com/club/38-share-your-story Please make sure you read the Guidelines first, by the way =D
Also, I advise you to read a lot, make friends and create a friendly circle. It does help a lot, since people would be more keen to check your work!
I hope it helps. =]
@SissaRomanov Thank you for the lovely and warm welcome :3
My only question is how do you get you're works noticed lol
XD;; My friend Uniquelyinspired convinced me to post my story Dreiger here (it was orignally on Fictionpress) But I'm totally lost with the new sight and set up ya know :(