
Ancestry is so much fun, I've already been able to trace ancestors to the 17th century and two of them were nobility, this is amazing-


          	  oh that’s kind of cool. I wanna try to convince my friends to do it with me 


          	  It has a two week free trial, pretty much all-inclusive, give it a go!


          	  I wanna try it soooo bad 


Ancestry is so much fun, I've already been able to trace ancestors to the 17th century and two of them were nobility, this is amazing-


            oh that’s kind of cool. I wanna try to convince my friends to do it with me 


            It has a two week free trial, pretty much all-inclusive, give it a go!


            I wanna try it soooo bad 


You know what's ridiculous? That in Bridgerton Season 2, Anthony was considered the most eligible bachelor. Do you know why it's ridiculous?
          Viscounts were among the lowest ranking noblemen in society in the regency era. They were one step above knights/dames. They were noblemen and ranked, yes, but they would not be the most eligible


Philosophy is such a contradictory discipline. We study the Problem of Evil in my A Level Religious Studies and it's just utter garbage. The idea of a vale of soul-making, that humans must suffer to repair the relationship with God, is bogus.
          I don't want to suffer for a relationship with the God who has the power to stop conflict but will not. "He doesn't act to allow us our free will," What, he doesn't act, or he won't act? God is just one big inconsistent triad of all-loving but allowing suffering, all-knowing and therefore knowing how to stop suffering but not, and all-powerful with the ability to stop suffering but not. I hate it when people say that God loves his creation because if he does, he really sucks at showing it with the pain, suffering and terror in the world right now.
          You know it's bad when long-standing allies of a nation for the best part of a century begin to withdraw their support and join the demands for a ceasefire. They're burning people alive while the world watches and bombing aid trucks, knowing full well that the allies will not act against them out of respect for old agreements. It's sickening.
          Boycott, donate, sign petitions, sponsor aid., support humanitarian charities.


            Hi, so I made this post quite in the moment because I was very frustrated with my Philosophy and Religion studies and I'd just read a few very depressing Palestine articles.
            My idea of humans suffering for a relationship with God comes from the Irenaean theodicy (part of my studies) which follows that God allows suffering to enable free will and bring his creation closer to a relationship with him, and the general conclusion is that humans have immature souls and so the suffering is God's way of allowing a vale of soul-making to mature said souls. I sorta brushed over that and didn't explain it very well, I apologise for that.
            I find the whole concept of God and his attributes to be very contradictory regardless of where applied. One of the main issues we confront in my studies is whether God's inaction in the face of pain and suffering can be justified. It's considered a logical necessity by quite a few theologians that God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent. All of this is the case and there is still suffering? There's also a whole issue with omniscience and free will and that's a whole other can of worms. That said, I haven't so much studied the Bible and Christian teachings themselves, as my studies focus on philosophy, ethical teachings and theology.
            God is weird, I'd love to believe in him but I think my philosophy studies might just make that impossible. Thank you for sharing your POV as a Christian :)


@Kip4306 Hey I couldn’t help but want to respond after seeing this (Im Christian lol). I don’t know where you got the fact humans must suffer in return to have a relationship with God from (if you’re talking about Christianity that is). The whole faith is based on the fact Jesus died on the cross FOR us and that we don’t have to do anything in return except believe and follow Him that we might be saved. Evil came into the world through sin (in the Garden of Eden when humans fell from grace) thats the reason the world is how it is now (especially because humans have free will). Why would God create robots that did what He wants? He’d prefer we love Him in our own will, just like we would prefer to have people love us because the want to. He shows His children that He loves us in lots of ways. Being His child comes with so much blessing that you can only know about once you believe so I get your viewpoint as its really hard to see what God is doing when you’ve not welcomed Him into your life. Peace, joy, contentment as well as all the other fruits of the Spirit come from Him and Him alone. Healing from things like depression and bettering me are things He’s done in my life for example. You can’t demand God of something and not even have a relationship with Him. You wouldn’t go up to a stranger and demand something from them either; its a similar sorta thing. 
            On the Palestine issue, the children of Israel have always been God’s people. All in Moses’ time till even after Jesus. God’s word remains forever so if He says He will protect His people they will be protected whether anyone likes it or not. Not to say Israel is 100% in the right with their approach but hamas needs to be removed from power and war isn’t black and white.
            Anyways thats my pov on it, it’s always interesting to see other people’s