
          	First off, I wanna thank all my new Thank you allall your the best~!!!
          	Second, I stopped play Fire Emblem Awakening~! But i still can't continue typing my stories...
          	Third, i got a job. So mainly, that's reason número 1 why i can't type them.
          	You may ask 'you could make time.' Thing is i work the night shift so i sleep most of the time DX
          	Sorry all :c and i am sorry to bug you all with this silly message DX
          	Just wanted to say :)


          First off, I wanna thank all my new Thank you allall your the best~!!!
          Second, I stopped play Fire Emblem Awakening~! But i still can't continue typing my stories...
          Third, i got a job. So mainly, that's reason número 1 why i can't type them.
          You may ask 'you could make time.' Thing is i work the night shift so i sleep most of the time DX
          Sorry all :c and i am sorry to bug you all with this silly message DX
          Just wanted to say :)