Why you dropped it the book demon's king daughter wants to live.

The first few chapters posted were somewhat on a whim. I had a very rough idea of how I wanted the plot to start and end, though besides a few key points, I'd leave the rest to be dealt with to my future self xD However while I was writing and thinking about what will happen in the recent chapters, new ideas popped into my head I liked and I became unsatisfied with how the older chapters were written. So since there were about 7ish chapters I decided I'd rewrite them all. That somewhat failed due to procrastination on this and prioritizing other things. After writing a couple of drafts I decided I'd focus on world building a bit more since it wasn't really established well and then try writing. Which is where I am currently. I may be taking it too seriously for the first story I've shared publicly to others, but I'd prefer to write a story that I'll stick to besides re-editing chapters I dislike(but knowing me, I'll end up disliking them eventually ._.) and one that people will enjoy. To restate again why I 'dropped' TDKDWTL in simpler words; I'm lazy, busy, and indecisive. Though I consider it to be on hiatus, I can see why others may consider it dropped. Though I guess since I'll be changing some things, it'll be a soft reboot? I still plan to continue the story, however whether or not I'll start posting the chapters tomorrow to a year from now, I can't really say. Sorry if this was a lot to read (・~・ㆀ)