


Why you dropped it the book demon's king daughter wants to live.


The first few chapters posted were somewhat on a whim. I had a very rough idea of how I wanted the plot to start and end, though besides a few key points, I'd leave the rest to be dealt with to my future self xD 
            However while I was writing and thinking about what will happen in the recent chapters, new ideas popped into my head I liked and I became unsatisfied with how the older chapters were written. So since there were about 7ish chapters I decided I'd rewrite them all. 
            That somewhat failed due to procrastination on this and prioritizing other things. After writing a couple of drafts I decided I'd focus on world building a bit more since it wasn't really established well and then try writing. Which is where I am currently. 
            I may be taking it too seriously for the first story I've shared publicly to others, but I'd prefer to write a story that I'll stick to besides re-editing chapters I dislike(but knowing me, I'll end up disliking them eventually ._.) and one that people will enjoy. 
            To restate again why I 'dropped' TDKDWTL in simpler words; I'm lazy, busy, and indecisive. Though I consider it to be on hiatus, I can see why others may consider it dropped. Though I guess since I'll be changing some things, it'll be a soft reboot? I still plan to continue the story, however whether or not I'll start posting the chapters tomorrow to a year from now, I can't really say. 
            Sorry if this was a lot to read (・~・ㆀ)


Apologies, still working on the latest chapter >u>   
          After rereading my earlier chapters I've decided to edit them so they sound nicer? (Probably some other reasons as well but sorta just forgot them sksks-) There most likely won't be any major changes involving the storyline with these edits, but if there is I'll be sure to announce that. 
          There might be some chapters I'll leave alone and other chapters where I might edit a couple of times before I'm satisfied (idek ┐(°,ʖ°)┌) but while you're waiting for chapter 6 to update you can reread the story so far! 
          P. S, feel free to ask any clarification questions or point out any mistakes!