
Hey guys! I updated Who Would've Thought! I know it's been forever! Anyways, just getting the word out. I will do my best to keep updating as often as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read these and for being so patient with me!


Hey guys! I updated Who Would've Thought! I know it's been forever! Anyways, just getting the word out. I will do my best to keep updating as often as I can. Thank you for taking the time to read these and for being so patient with me!


HI!!!! I know it's been a super long time. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm trying something new for the time being. I wrote a new story called Into the Night and published a short chapter as a sneak peek! It's a story about what it's like through a serial killer's eyes. So, if you like gory stuff like that, there will be more chapters up shortly. I'm super excited about this one. Also, in light of Perfect Illusion and Gaga and Taylor still being really close, I've decided that I will start my fanfics back up here real soon. Thank you so much for all the support and reads! It means a lot to me!


In all honesty, I'm not making it a fanfic. I wanted to try something different. And don't worry. I'm into all the gory stuff like that :)


Due to the break that Gaga and Taylor are taking, I won't be writing for a while. It would be wrong to write about that right now. I have hope for them though. We have to support them as much as we can. I apologize but as soon as they're back together completely, it would be upsetting to keep writing fanfics of them. I'm rooting for them. They deserve happiness ❤️❤️❤️


So I really don't know where to take my story right now. On both of the uncompleted ones. Can you guys please help me with ideas?


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@KirahOpal if you want things to be really intense and "great" for the readers, you could kill the baby (haha bc after babies, stories don't go very far), and make taylor and gaga fall out due to the public criticizing and accusing her of aborting the baby. she rejects taylor due to her depression causing her to make horrible decisions, and you can right from there hahahaha