this message may be offensive
Okay rant time-
Also TW for s3xu@l a$$ult
So i think most of you guys know that april 24th is "national r@pe day" which is hella messed up, Like-Bruh wtf, and I have to go out tomorrow-
And I've never felt more scared to leave my fucking house-
So if you have any self-defense advice please tell me :)
But anyways, I don't have a choice to say I don't wanna go out but i have to-And I'm very scared
Like, Why tf would you make April 24th national r@pe day!? Like, I'm sorry but tiktok is going insane, People ask me "Why do you hate men? Why do you hate society?"
This is the exact reason, Jesus...
Also no hate to all men, only the men (and maybe women) that are supporting this "National r@pe day" thing
All the people that are against it thank you and I love you :)
Anyways, Rant over, If you go out that day stay safe <3 I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night!