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WHY IS IT FEM READER THIS, FEM READER THAT.. ESP IN A MALE DOMINATED ANIME LIKE BLLK OR WINDBREAKER?? Lets take blue lock as an example. The blue lock project is specifically made for boys, there's like 200? Or 300? I forgot, its either 200 or 300 dudes trapped in a facility to train.. THATS NOT SAVE!! THATS NOT FUCKING SAVE FOR A GIRL! NO SANE HUMAN BEING WOULD APPROVE OF THIS!!! Ego would literally never make an exception just bc 1 girl is sooo amazing. If he did, thats a goddamn lawsuit. I'm not saying girls can't be good soccer players, I'm just saying that it would be highly irresponsible of an adult to let a minor (most the fics and ocs of bllk are 17) that is female be trapped in a facility with so many dudes.. LIKE I'D UNDERSTAND IF LIKE THE FEM READER IS AN ASSISTANT, COOK OR MANAGER BUT A FUCKING PARTICIPANT IN THE PROJECT?? NO. like I'm SO angry bc theres so so so SOOOO many good ideas that ppl can implement for their female character to be in a media such as blue lock. Maybe, genderbending the characters to make it an all female cast to put your character in, making reader a manager, making reader help ego, Making reader DO ANYTHING, JUST NOT BE IN THE PROJECT AS A PARTICIPANT!!!