
Hi everyone!
          	Okay so I haven't been writing for a while now because of work, we're getting ready to release our own product! Pretty exciting as I am officially taking over the back office and handling all products and the two floors. But we have now officially broke up for Christmas break so I will go back to writing at some point.
          	Some of you may or not know, I lost my Nan earlier in November which is why I kind of stopped writing because I have been busy keeping strong for the family. But I will be continuing my writing as that is what she would have wanted me to do. My Nan believed in my writing and I want to make her proud!
          	I have been writing a blog to keep my mind occupied from everything, it will all be about the novels I have read or will be reading, also film reviews, and just my general thoughts. So please see below the link for my blog!


Hi everyone!
          Okay so I haven't been writing for a while now because of work, we're getting ready to release our own product! Pretty exciting as I am officially taking over the back office and handling all products and the two floors. But we have now officially broke up for Christmas break so I will go back to writing at some point.
          Some of you may or not know, I lost my Nan earlier in November which is why I kind of stopped writing because I have been busy keeping strong for the family. But I will be continuing my writing as that is what she would have wanted me to do. My Nan believed in my writing and I want to make her proud!
          I have been writing a blog to keep my mind occupied from everything, it will all be about the novels I have read or will be reading, also film reviews, and just my general thoughts. So please see below the link for my blog!


Why did you delete new girl in smallville. I enjoyed reading that one


@JosephineTerrazas Apologises for the late reply.
            I do still have the drafts of New Girl in Smallville on my old computer, so who knows I might put it back online and continue, and if I do I promise I will contact you on here to tell you :)


I really enjoy reading it . I know it's not finished but for some odd.reason I finish it and a few  weeks later I come and read it again. 


@JosephineTerrazas Hi love, oh god I completely forgot about that one! I loved writing it but I could not find a way to continue it and possibly end it, I lost touch with it and it didn't feel right to force it because it would probably end up bad :(
            But please do enjoy any other stories I post! Keep an eye out.
            Thank you for posting to me, your opinions and questions mean a lot to me!


Guys I am forever thankful for you all reading Diana's Child and the votes and comments. I may or may not continue it, I'm still thinking about it. BUT I do want to write a story similar to it, just not with Prince Harry and Prince William in it. I love the story line of a young girl finding out she's a princess/queen, but I want to make it my own not a fan fiction.
          I'll keep it on my profile, and if I want to continue it I will, but I'm keeping it for you all to read. Am I worried it's overshadowing Broken Arrow? Yes I am, but I trust you all will soon find it.
          Thank you all. <3


Hi all,
          You lot are probably going to hate me, but I am going to be deleting Diana's Child, purely because I want to make it a book I can publish therefore I am writing a sort of similar story. But, if you guys ask me to keep it up then I will for you, I personally did not want it overshadowing my new novel.
          Many thanks.
          Kirbie <3


So guys, after many months of crying and struggling with what I wanted to do with my life after college, I finally found out today, as I got accepted into my first choice university to study creative writing! London Southbank let me at yah!!


hey guys! i know ive gone on the miss lately, been busy with college work getting my grades up to get myself ready for uni! so i will be updating United By Music, you'll love the next chapter hopefully!! :D umm.... as for Against 28, i will be taking it down as I've lost the touch for it. AND finally, i will be finishing up DIANA'S CHILD, i know so many people are wondering whats going to happen next with Ella and Jonah. Only a few more chapters to go!
          Also while on the subject of Diana's Child; congrats to Prince William and Kate on their brilliant news that they're expecting! :)


Okay guys, hey! Basically I've just finished watching both 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later! Now a zombie apocalypse story has always been a huge thing for me, always wanted to write one, so I was thinking, maybe I could write a fan fiction of the 28 saga? Sort of my take on, hopefully if they make it, new release 28 Months Later. So tell me what you guys think!
          Also uni huntings been going on so havent had time to upload, going to study Creative Writing at either Wales or South London :D xxxxxxx