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          	Greetings Dreamlanders!
          	Chapter Three of Into Madness is live! Dive into Dani and Fin's mission as they enter Ground Zero and search for a test subject to continue their search for the cure.
          	Sweeter Than Revenge: Is now in the process of being typed. My goal right now is to do a chapter a night and two to three chapters on the weekends. Updates should fully begin in April. I'm dedicating March to Into Madness to ensure its completed before Round Two's deadline. If I do hit the word count before then. You may see updates sooner.
          	School Update: Treading water with frequent panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Its been a struggle but nothing I can't knock out of the park with some good old-fashioned self care.
          	I'll keep everyone updated!
          	~Kirby Renee~


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          Greetings Dreamlanders!
          Chapter Three of Into Madness is live! Dive into Dani and Fin's mission as they enter Ground Zero and search for a test subject to continue their search for the cure.
          Sweeter Than Revenge: Is now in the process of being typed. My goal right now is to do a chapter a night and two to three chapters on the weekends. Updates should fully begin in April. I'm dedicating March to Into Madness to ensure its completed before Round Two's deadline. If I do hit the word count before then. You may see updates sooner.
          School Update: Treading water with frequent panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Its been a struggle but nothing I can't knock out of the park with some good old-fashioned self care.
          I'll keep everyone updated!
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          I have myself caught up on my homework. With Sweeter Than Revenge coming to a close offline, I have freshened up the Author's Note. The updated version includes insight into the creation of this Work in Progress and Content Warnings.
          I cannot wait for you to meet Theresa Emery and her sister Leila Emery.
          Into Madness: I will hopefully be working on this novella over the weekend. I am about halfway to the requirement for Round Two. I am excited to explore more of Dani and Finn's story.
          School Update: I'm getting my bearings finally manuevering through five classes. Being absent for two days really set me back but I did manage to get myself back on track.
          Once Sweeter Than Revenge has been fully transferred from its notebook to my laptop the update schedule will be Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. My personal homage to The Bug Catching Contests from the video game Pokemon Gold and Silver.
          I have talked your ear off enough. See you in future updates!
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          The 2nd Chapter of Into Madness is live!
          Come join Dani and Finley as they search for the cure to The Maladie Virus!
          I wanted to get myself at least halfway to the second round marker.
          Quick Update: Sweeter Than Revenge is almost complete. There are two more chapters that need to be completed offline. I can't wait to type this up and get the summary ready for you.
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Greetings Dreamlanders!
          The pilot chapter of Dani's story is officially live! I knocked out Round One's requirement right away and am honestly relieved. I can't wait to really get this story off the ground. Her story is starting to take shape. I'll have to make this announcement short, this student has homework to do.
          ~Kirby Renee~

          Hello i just checked out your poetry in travellers heart its amazing I don't like to do read for read but can u please check my latest poem sky of sapphire it will only take like 45 seconds to read and your feedback will be precious 


From what I’ve read these are quite beautiful. You do have talent.


Greetings Dreamlanders!
          Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025! I hope everyone's year is fruitful and prosperous as we venture into this uncharted territory.
          I want to take a moment to give you a quick update on what's been going on behind the scenes here in the realm that is Kirby.
          I am on Winter Break, my final semester begins in February. When I am done I will officially have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English with a Creative Writing Minor at the end of my Spring Semester. I am so excited to fulfill this dream.
          Writing Update: I am hard at work on my project called Sweeter Than Revenge. This is an Umbrella Academy Fiction and it follows our main protagonist Theresa Emery a.k.a. The Reaper. While I do have a good chunk of this written I am going to be waiting until its fully completed before posting. This way I can iron out a schedule with zero gaps and you can all enjoy it at once. This is the first book of the series and I have BIG plans for it.
          I will be doing my best to complete band fictions and additional fictions so I can focus on my original works. I really want to work on getting Welcome Home Rose, and other original fictions off the ground and get them actually published and out in the world.
          There is my update :) Thank you all for being here!
          ~Kirby Renee~


@xDarkGarudax I am hoping that it will Happy New Year friend!


@KirbyRenee happy new year, your 2025 looks already amazing :)


Merry Christmas Dreamlanders to all who celebrate.


@xDarkGarudax Aye to you as well friend


@KirbyRenee Merry late Christmas and happy new year <3


@veelozada Aye Merry Christmas!


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          Greetings Dreamlanders!
          Kirby here, bringing you the Grand Finale to Survivor's Guilt. There will be one chapter remaining. The Epilogue. This finale is explosive. It is beautiful. And I am beyond pleased with how it turned out.
          School Update: Finals are around the bend. I have successfully been burned out and am running on fumes. Baby steps to recovery. Baby steps on getting my brain back into school mode before its too late.
          Home life yeah thats filled with impromptu naps. Zero windows for self-care. Zero hubby time and maximum doggo cuddles. Welcome to the Dreamland.
          ~Kirby Renee~


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          Greetings Dreamlanders!
          Kirby here, presenting the next exciting installment of Survivor's Guilt. We are one chapter away from the finale. Two chapters away from the Epilogue. Its surreal to see this sequel coming to a close. A sequel that wasn't even suppose to exist but came to life all on its own. I want to thank everyone who's followed Kaitlynn's journey. You have no idea how much it means to me.
          School update: Im in the final month and things are getting intense. I've been struggling a lot with my mental health and my anxiety lately. This is getting to the point where I am considering seeking the help of a medical professional. We are going to see what happens with that.
          What's to come: My next writing project is coming along amazing. It did get a title change. It is now called Sweeter Than Revenge. Honestly? I am so excited I can't wait for you to read it!
          ~Kirby Renee~