@anastasiastid2010 Its just because of the hype the first book got. Anybody that finished it and was still interested went on to book 2. :P You're really good too. I can't wait to read the new ch in yours. :D
@KiriValentine yass that is amazing thanks alot . I love they 2 books they are awesome . I have been patiently waiting hahah gona re read them they are that great . I wish stories where like yours these days . They just ain't the same anymore :)
@Monstergirrrl6 I actually just reread the entire book again myself to refresh my memory. I'm going to try and update as soon as possible, especially now that I have someone hoping to see the end. I'm so glad you enjoy my stories, thank you so much.
@anastasiastid2010 Its just because of the hype the first book got. Anybody that finished it and was still interested went on to book 2. :P You're really good too. I can't wait to read the new ch in yours. :D
Your new book is pretty much gonna pass my book up on reads, and it hasn't even been up that long! I guess that comes with you being super good at writing stuff!