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Is It normal for a mother, just joke about body weight. My body weight, to be exact.
Because, I don't know, I just finish eating, and I'm really full, right? My stomach Is like, a bit bigger cause I'm full. And my mother comes to me, and Is like "Wow, you've gained weight, look at your stomach!". And I feel fucking awful, while she laughs It off. I tell her that I just ate and that It's normal, but she just replies with "Yea, full from eating that shit you call food and everything. Keep doing this, you'll become a whale!" And that just makes me sick. I've always felt insicure about my stomach, since It's always been a bit blown. I know she didn't mean to just make me insicure, but that felt uncessesary. And rn I kinda want to go back to my old habit of puking my food out.