
If you didn't hear this today well I'm saying
          	You are not alone, people know that you are here, it may seem like you're in the shadows and I feel the same way all the time. You may feel like you're an outcast but let me tell you, you are not. Everyday I wake up I lay in bed and look at the ceiling I stay like that for a good 10 minutes just thinking, thinking about happy, sad, memories from the past. Sometimes you just need to stop for a minute and think, I know it's easier said the done but, I believe in you, think about all the happy memories, if you don't have any happy memories, make some, look up hilarious memes, make yourself laugh. Go out and do your favorite thing. When was the last time you've laughed? When was the last time you've smiled? When was the last time you had a fun day? Go out there and have a fun day, don't let the darkness drag you down understand? If it does do not go and harm yourself, go pet your animal, if you don't have any go hug your pillow, if you don't have that go outside and just breathe, fill your lungs up with air. I know you might be thinking "why are you telling me this? " Or " Your one person no one will listen " And I know no one will listen, that's how life is, some people will listen to this and some will not, and the reason I'm telling you this is that I want you to be happy, that's all I want, I want s smile from at least everyone, no fake smile, a genuine smile that when you show your teeth I get blown away, I don't care if your teeth are yellow, I want a genuine smile, all smiles make my day, if people's teeth are yellow, white, no teeth, I want you to be happy. If you ever need to talk to me my PMS are open, if you need to vent, talk, chill please, come talk to me I'm here for you, I get you guys might not know me but I don't want you guys to be hurt on the inside. 


@Kirishimacute hi and yeah needed that....want to be friends???


          	  I just thought I needed to put that out there. 


If you didn't hear this today well I'm saying
          You are not alone, people know that you are here, it may seem like you're in the shadows and I feel the same way all the time. You may feel like you're an outcast but let me tell you, you are not. Everyday I wake up I lay in bed and look at the ceiling I stay like that for a good 10 minutes just thinking, thinking about happy, sad, memories from the past. Sometimes you just need to stop for a minute and think, I know it's easier said the done but, I believe in you, think about all the happy memories, if you don't have any happy memories, make some, look up hilarious memes, make yourself laugh. Go out and do your favorite thing. When was the last time you've laughed? When was the last time you've smiled? When was the last time you had a fun day? Go out there and have a fun day, don't let the darkness drag you down understand? If it does do not go and harm yourself, go pet your animal, if you don't have any go hug your pillow, if you don't have that go outside and just breathe, fill your lungs up with air. I know you might be thinking "why are you telling me this? " Or " Your one person no one will listen " And I know no one will listen, that's how life is, some people will listen to this and some will not, and the reason I'm telling you this is that I want you to be happy, that's all I want, I want s smile from at least everyone, no fake smile, a genuine smile that when you show your teeth I get blown away, I don't care if your teeth are yellow, I want a genuine smile, all smiles make my day, if people's teeth are yellow, white, no teeth, I want you to be happy. If you ever need to talk to me my PMS are open, if you need to vent, talk, chill please, come talk to me I'm here for you, I get you guys might not know me but I don't want you guys to be hurt on the inside. 


@Kirishimacute hi and yeah needed that....want to be friends???


            I just thought I needed to put that out there. 