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Okay, I'm so sorry for not updating. I can't get ahold of anybody and I haven't slept in 3 days. I haven't eaten anything in 2 . Fridayd my boyfriend texted me saying he likes one of my friends and they've been talking for awhile and he expected me to be happy about it. SO we got into a huge arguement and that isn't the first one we've had. WE've had 6 in this past week. I texted his friend asking what I should do and turns out he was planning on dumping me Monday. So I've been dealing with that so far and my typing sucks right now. I feel like dying I haven't left my bed or anything and I have nothing left TO cry I would if I could. Please forgive me for not updating it's just been hard lately and he was an asshole and a complete jerk for leaving me for her. So I'm working on Home Chapter 7 currently. I love you all and please be patient while I deal with my feelings and my messy life and my heart that has been ran over. your loving author who was cheated on, Kirstyn Lyons