Hey, thanks for adding my book into your list :)
@KirylaBlackTWD1 oh Yeah I know what that feels. Here's my tipp: Don't sit in Front of ur Paper/PC/Laptop (whatever) and wait for the ideas to come. Do something like going out and what helps me a lot is listening to musik. Then I think of what could be happening in the story which Matches to this musik? That way u think of many little Situations. Put them together in a row which u think is the best u Dont need every scene and tadaaa u have ur story. Smth else I would advice every author who wants a advice XD Is: Make sure u know the ending and the beginning before u start writing. Then ur task is to lead ur story up to that point by things that happen in the story. So u have a story line and don't have to fear that u won't know what u can add so the story stayes interesting. They aleady have the story finished before they upload. You know what I mean? Those r just Tipps u don't need to follow ^-^'